How to use our CLI tool for deployments

The ArborXR CLI is available as a binary file to run in the command line on all major operating systems. It is designed to be integrated with a CI/CD tool such as Jenkins or GitLab CI.


These URLs can be integrated with your pipelines to automatically grab the latest version of the CLI Binary.


Currently we only offer passing through a username and password for an ArborXR account.

This can either be done by passing the login details as launch options (username and password) or by setting the environment variables ARBORXR_USERNAME and ARBORXR_PASSWORD. Please note that the authentication options need to come after the first root command, but before any further nested command, e.g.:

./arborxr-cli content --username [email protected] --password password123 list

In the future we will be evaluating adding support for other methods of authentication such as generating a local keyfile or passing an API key.

Uploading Builds

To upload a build with the CLI, you first need to find the ID of the content channel you want to upload the build to. You can find this ID by running the content channel list command: When run in an interactive shell, it will allow you to pick any of your organizations' contents and will then print the ID of all available channels for that content.

The path argument can either point to a directory or a file. If necessary, the CLI will automatically create an archive before continuing with the upload.

The command will await the ArborXR platform’s build processing to finish and prints the details. The exit code can be used to identify whether the processing finished with a failure state or whether it succeeded. All exit codes are documented by the command explain exit-codes.

To learn about the options this commands supports, please run content channel upload --help.

Other Functionality

The CLI comes with the ability to query various details of your ArborXR organization. Additionally it can update itself and will tell you when the version you’re running is out of date. Just run the executable with no arguments to learn about the various commands.


  • Currently we are only able to support the credentials of users that have access to exactly one ArborXR organization. Any user that has access to multiple organizations will have a random organization picked, which could cause various commands to fail. For more information on organizations and creating multiple please see this knowledge base article.
  • The CLI currently does not support resuming of uploads or handling of very large files.