Documentation on our GraphQL API

The XRDM platform is built around a GraphQL API. Everything we build is API first and any action you see in the

All of our API documentation is automatically generated from our GraphQL Schema. Due to this you’ll likely notice that some requests are currently undocumented - we’re working on expanding this currently!

Curious how any of our requests in the application work? You can also open your browser’s Developer Tools to see the live requests that we make for each page in our application.

Making Requests

Our GraphQL server only accepts well formatted POST requests using the GraphQL Query Language. The host for all requests is

We also offer a hosted version of GraphQL Playground to interact with our schema and test requests.

Dig In

Dive into each section of the documentation below!


How to authenticate requests going to the GraphQL API.


Enums in our GraphQL Schema

Input Objects

Input Objects that are used in Mutations


Interfaces in our GraphQL Server


Mutations in our GraphQL Schema


Objects that are returned in GraphQL Responses


Queries you can make


Re-used Scalar values

Last modified August 7, 2023: navigation tweaks (c04a706)